Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring time in Texas

I wanted to show a few more pics of us finishing up our garden.
We were finally able to get everything in the ground.

Sorry for the blurry pictures.Above is Joe and Sara planting the last tomato plants.
This is the bigger garden getting watered.Whew! We were so tired;I'm glad we finally got it done!
My garden has been doing pretty good.
Here's a picture of the radishes,
green beans,and a tomato plant in the back ground.
and the snow peas getting ready to climb the trellis.

These pictures were taken last week so they've grown a lot more.We were having some beautiful weather but yesterday we had lots of rain and today is cloudy the weekend is gonna be about the same and I think it's supposed freeze tomorrow night UGH! That's spring time in Texas! We'll have to cover up all our plants just to be on the safe side.
Hope everyone is having a great day!


Angie said...

I have always wanted to try to grow some veges. Your garden looks great! I should probably start small, like one thing in a pot. Good luck with it!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Awesome! good luck with your green thumb. I have the worst black thumb and end up killing everything! :( Can't wait to see some blooms!

PS I loved your thankful list. Isn't it amazing how God works. He may not always give us the things he wants, but He always gives us the things we need.

The Southern Housewife